The Torrington Trio

multiple waypoints


Not one, but three things to do in Torrington to make up this expedition.

1. Carpet Snake Trig Station. Looks like a nice trek, not sure of how far can be traversed by vehicle before it must be traversed by foot.

2. Silent Grove Trig Station. Sounds like an easy one to access, with some good views.

3. Silent Grover puzzle geocache. I've solved this puzzle a while ago - it just needs to be found now!


GPX File: Location of the two trig stations and the geocache. The geocache is not at the listed coordinates as a puzzle needs to be competed so the coordinates can be revealed. I know where it is though!

Carpet Snake Trig Survey Sketch

Silent Grove Trig Survey Sketch

Hike Recommendations:

Gear: nothing special needed

Season: Any season, could be snakes about in warmer weather though.

This map was created using GPS Visualizer's do-it-yourself geographic utilities.

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Progress Notes:

not yet attempted

Current Status:         



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