Caldera Rim Walk

56J 525054E 6860669N


After the closure of the Mt Warning summit walk, National Parks have proposed an alternate walk in the area. I'm thinking it could be fun to scope it out first, before they start works in the area (if it ever eventuates at all). Sounds like there potential for some good views from the proposed lookout area. It's the same location a friend had marked on their map of interesting looking placed to explore in the Northern Rivers. I've copied a route from an image that looks like a legit GPS track recording in the draft proposal document. Let's see if we can follow it and check out what views of the caldera can be seen from the lookout site.


GPX File: includes trail head, destination and trail - roughly transposed from document below..

Draft Project Proposal: National Parks draft proposal regarding creation of this walk.

Hike Recommendations:

Gear: unknown. Hiking pole and trail markers may be beneficial.

Parking: Vehicle can be left at gate on Tyalgum Road.

Season: Any season, could be snakes and thicker vegetation about in warmer weather though.

Biggest Challenge: Terrain is unknown, and I imagine there may be quite a bit of bush bashing during the second half of the trek. Access to the summit/lookout area is unknown. Looks steep on a map. May be overgrown and no view.

This map was created using GPS Visualizer 's do-it-yourself geographic utilities.

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Progress Notes:

not yet attempted

Current Status:         



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