Tommy's Rock

56J 410113E 6712928N


A few things to see and do out here. A nice drive, could be broken up into a couple of trips if a more leisurely pace was desired

1. Tommy's Rock: A trig and a lookout. A nice walk.

2. War Memorial: Would be interesting to see this memorial that sits in such a lonely location.

3. Dalmorton Old Town. Including the convict bridge. Would be nice to have time to have a look around this area.


GPX File: Location of the features mentioned above

Check National Park Closure Alerts

Hike Recommendations:

Gear: nothing special needed

Season: Any season, the briskness of winter would be beautiful at the lookout, although a spring or summer day will have more hours of daylight to allow for a more leisurely day.

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Progress Notes:

22-Apr-2023: I work up abnormally early, so decided I had time to drive a little bit further than I normally would for a day trip. I’d been out here once before, but it was prior to the days that I logged trigs and caches.

It’s a really nice time to be up on the tablelands, plenty of autumn colours in the trees and a nice fresh breeze. I ventured down from Tenterfield, to Deepwater then cut across here to Diehard. I engaged the 4x4 at the start of Narrow Pass Trail then slowly made my way up. Sign at the gate says it’s a 8km return walk - or you can 4WD all the way up. I’m glad I didn’t walk it, as it wouldn’t be the most interesting walk, but it is a lot of fun to drive.

Once at the top I checked out the NPWS lookout on one side, then made my way to the other side to check out the trig. Great spot for a trig, and I bet this one gets a few visitors. I saw one pic online where there was black graffiti on the trig, but it was clean and white today. Someone must look after it. The nameplate is missing though. The views up here are stunning - a great spot to sit and take it all in for a few moments. Glad I made the effort to come out and visit this place again.

Current Status:         


Tommy's Rock Trig
Tommy's Rock Trig
Me and the Trig
Me and the Trig
View from the lookout area
View from the lookout area


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