Mandle Trig Station

56J 438117E 6838002N


Trigs in State Forests seem to be one of my favourite to find. The State Forests are usually always open and have plentiful tracks to explore. This trig is located at the northern end of this patch of Beaury State Forest. Looking at the maps, I think the car will be parked about 2.5km away, at a southern entrance to said forest. Should make for a pleasant walk, and I wouldn't expect to many hurdles in the search for this trig point.


GPX File: includes parking and location of the trig station.

Survey Sketch: Survey notes regarding this trig station.

Hike Recommendations:

Gear: nothing special needed

Parking: Looks like vehicle could be left at the end of Tin Hut Road.

Season: Any season, could be snakes about in warmer weather though.

Biggest Challenge: Doesn't appear to be particularly challenging

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Progress Notes:

30/Apr/2023: It’s starting to get harder to find trigs close to home that aren’t on private property. This one has been sitting there staring back at me for a while now, so today was the day to see if it was findable or not. Being in State Forest was reassuring, as these places usually have good access, and are seldom closed - unlike some of the National Parks around here.

I picked up C○3 ♀ Ɛ○<<○3 from our usual meeting place and we set off. After a nice drive out this way, we reached the state forest gate and made our way in. We took a drive through the forest, but soon found ourself moving away from the trig location, so backtracked to a spot near the entrance, and parked the car.

After a pleasant walk though gentle slopes and some flat areas (which is unusual for a trig hunt), we crossed a fence 100m from the trig spot - in to some long grass in which the trig could be seen standing above it - on the other side of the flat hilltop.

The trig is in very good order, name plate intact. Photos were taken then we wandered about looking at the view across to some neighbouring mountains, and also noting just how steep this hill was on the other side - I’m glad we didn’t have to climb this one. This was a lovely Sunday stroll with a good friend and there was a trig at the end just to top it off. A well deserved late lunch was eaten when we reached Casino. Great day out!

Current Status:        


Mandle Trig
Mandle Trig
Mandle Trig Nameplate
Mandle Trig Nameplate
Mandle Trig and the new Etrex
Mandle Trig and the new Etrex


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