Hyland Trig

56J 444706E 6662036N


A National Parks 3km walk to My Hyland Trig, through Gondwana Rainforest.


GPX File: Location of the features mentioned above

Check Mt Hyland Nature Reserve Closure

Hyland Trig Survey Sketch

Hike Recommendations:

Gear: nothing special needed.

Season: I'd prefer to do this in the cooler weather.

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Progress Notes:

25/Apr/2023: Wanted another walk today, since it’s the last day I’ll have off work for a while. I’ve been curious to see what this area is like these days so decided to come down and take a walk around. The walk itself is beautiful. It was nice to have a track to walk on rather than just bush-bashing like the last few hikes I’ve been on. The walk is quite short and easy. I think this would be a good one for kids. The cool, brisk air was such a nice refreshing change from the humidity and heat of the Northern Rivers this past summer. It was 12 degrees here, and 24 in Grafton.

I found the trig easily, and signed my name in the nearby guestbook. It’s in good order, although the mast has slight curvature from a fire. The nameplate is still intact.

I had a cache with me so decided to hide on up here. I don’t usually worry if there’s already a trig in place to entice GCA players up here, but if you’re venturing up here you’ll get two smilies for the price of one!

I made my way back to the car, completing the loop and bumping into a family of Lyrebirds on the way. A great day out.

Current Status:         


Hyland Trig and Guestbook
Hyland Trig and Guestbook
At Hyland Trig
At Hyland Trig
The trail to the trig
The trail to the trig
More trail.
More trail.
This way or that.
This way or that.


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